Monday, May 23, 2016

5 Must Have Toddler Toys for Country Boys

5 Must Have Toddler Toys for Country Boys Image.  Information for mothers or parents to help entertain or keep their kids busy outside.

The Best Toddler Toys for your Country Boy!

If you're new to the country life or a new mom to a toddler boy, I have discovered some must have toys for boys that are essential to keep their busy bodies busy and happy.  I have experimented with many toys and spent a lot of money.  Spending money on toddlers is inevitable but you can save money by buying the essential toys toddler boys will actually play with outside in the country.  

I did not grow up in the country so I had to learn the hard way of keeping my toddler boy entertained.  There are a few things I've learned that I wish to share with all of you in similar shoes as mine.  Sticks will always be their favorite toy outside but sticks don't keep them happy all day.

Below is a list of toys my toddler boy has not grown bored of and keeps him happy all day long.  


  1.  Radio Flyer Wagon
  2. Swimming Pool
  3. Playground
  4. Bubble Lawn Mower
  5. Four Wheeler Power Wheel


Radio flyer all terrain wagon

My son put his sticks in the wagon, pulled it around and now has me pull him around.  I now see pulling him around as a great way to get some exercise in.

Toddler boy pulling radio flyer wagon toy image for recommended country boy toy.


Swimming pool

Those cheap plastic pools go a long way.  Toddler boys will put their sticks in the water, splash, pour water in and out of cups and many other boy things in the water.  



A home playground is so useful if you live far in the country.  The closest playground to me is at least 15 minutes away and it's falling apart so I drive to better ones 45 minutes away.  So you see at home playgrounds will save in gas and time. 


Bubble lawn mower

One of my sons very first words were "bubble".  He also loves watching me mow the lawn.  These kid bubble lawn mowers makes him feel big and who doesn't love bubbles!
Toddler boy pushing toy bubble lawn mower for recommended country boy toy.


Four wheeler power wheel

Most people have quads in the country.  A little power wheel is another toy to make toddler boys feel big and they get pretty good at steering pretty quick.
Toddler boy riding four wheeler toy for recommended country boy toy.

Recommended items to order

I put together a list of items to order from Amazon so these items can be shipped directly to you instead of driving to the store.  Online ordering is a huge convenience for ones living far out in the country.  Note: This blog includes affiliate links to help get you what you need keeping you and your toddler healthy and happy.

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